Can hiring an architect save money or is it an expensive option?

  • Replied by Murli Mehta on Friday, May 25 2012, 08:04 AM · Hide · #1
    I totally recommend hiring an architect as they are skilled planners with years of experience behind them. This can save you a lot of money often spent on trial and error methods.
  • Replied by Poonam Batra on Monday, June 04 2012, 12:23 PM · Hide · #2
    It saves a lot of time and effort if you get an architect but it surely doesn’t save the expenditure. If you do decide to hire one for your home make sure to discuss your unique requirements and preferences so that the home reflects your personality and not an outsiders.
  • Replied by Elaine Paige on Tuesday, June 12 2012, 12:22 PM · Hide · #3
    If you have someone in the family who has undergone the experience of building a home, take guidance from him to avoid hiring an architect. There are various options and suggestions available on the internet and several DIY models that you can refer to.
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