Do and Don't Tips For Vastu Plot


The antediluvian sciences facilitate us with the natural benefits of the basic five elements of the universe namely sky, earth, water, fire and wind. The ancient word VASTU is commonly referred for the physical environment around us.

The science of vastu lets you design your home or rooms or office with specific directions which are propitious for you in various aspects. The vastu plot is related to the land where you plan to construct your home or office. If you are planning to purchase the property of your home or office, here are some do’s and don’ts which will guide you to suitably take decisions concerning your dream home

Following are the DONT’s:-

  • The ground of the plot should be flat levelled where you are planning to make your home. The plot should not be on any slope or even if it is , it should be sloping in downwards direction either in north or east direction.
  • The plot where the construction is to be done must not be a crematory or sepulture ground.
  • The plot placed within two or more larger plots should be avoided as it is considered inauspicious and contributes to impoverishment.
  • Prefer a plot with obstructions, if any, on the southern or western side rather than on eastern or northern side. This is because the impediments are propitious if they block the winds from west and they are untoward if they block the sun’s rays from reaching inside home.
  • The plot should not be too near to a temple, this must be made sure that the shadow of temple doesn’t falls on the home and the home should not face the temple. One must stay clear from purchasing plot near meat shop, shoe shop etc.

Succeeding are the DO’s:-

  • For commercial and business purposes green, yellow or sour plot is preferred. For scholars, priests, teachers plots facing east are enhancing. For government employees and those who work for power and administration, plot facing north is considered auspicious.
  • Water source in north and north-east direction is considered auspicious, let it be an underground water source, some river, pond, swimming pool etc.
  • Rectangular, circular or gomukhi plot is considered auspicious and the plot with more length in eastwards direction is considered beneficial for purchasing purposes.
  • A plot which faces roads from all the four sides is considered very propitious. A square plot is also very auspicious and brings in prosperity and wealth.

The faults which cannot be removed by astrology and rituals are also removed with the help of vastu. It acts as an obstacle against diseases and disasters. So, for success in all fields you must consult vastu.

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