A Hundred Windows Living Space

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A well created interior can do wonders for even the simplest of structures. This two story structure created by Takeshi Hosaka in Tokyo is an extension of the main house in the adjacent plot. The house is located in an exceptionally crowded part of Tokyo on a tiny plot of land. The main house had become too small for the three generations living there, and the annex created has no kitchen facilities; only the second-story living/play area, the two small first-level rooms and a small bathroom.

The house is lived in by two hearing-impaired parents and their two sons and to make communication convenient the designer has created almost 100, 8" square windows randomly through out the space. The effect is truly magical. Natural light floods in the house and plants adorn the space making it healthy and refreshing.

The young children run free without facing the clutter and furniture in a regular home. Floor openings are also created in the form of windows through which the kids throw toy cars and small objects at times to catch their parent's attention. A beautiful concept with striking creativity as well as functionality!

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